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Heavy duty type cranes that are manufactured as 500 tons and more for high capacity.
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Process Cranes

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Turkey also made first indigenous design and production of 1500 t / h was commissioned successfully Shiploader..

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Lifting Groups
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Bvs Bülbüloğlu Crane Industry provides competition advantage with the size of its indoor area, human resources, financial structure, project designing and production processes as well as it creates difference in terms of date of delivery by manufacturing numerous cranes simultaneously without any problem.

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Технологические Краны

Козловой Кран

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BVS Bülbüloğlu Crane Industry

Наша компания, которая начала свою деятельность в Анкаре в 1985 году, благодаря поддержке и уверенности, которую она получила от вас, стала одной из ведущих компаний в своей отрасли и по праву заняла достойное место в турецкой промышленности.